Septentrio expands its product portfolio for the marine market

Septentrio announced the launch of two new GNSS products for marine applications this week:
AsteRx-U3 Marine and AsteRx-m3 Fg. Both products offer accurate positioning near and offshore via centimeter-level RTK or the built-in Fugro PPP sub-decimeter subscription service, delivered either over NTRIP internet or over L-band satellite. Corrections delivered over L-band allow dredging, bathymetry, or marine construction projects even in areas where there is no internet service. The AsteRx-U3 Marine receiver, enclosed in an IP68-rated housing, offers a unique feature of a dedicated L-Band demodulator with a separate L-Band RF input, which allows for the use of dedicated antennas for excellent reception of L-band signal even at high latitudes.