Septentrio Altus NR3 GNSS receiver
Compact GNSS Rover in Australia
The Altus NR3 GNSS Receiver combines easy-to-use, multi-frequency, quad-constellation RTK with an unrivalled communications toolset for a successful survey or GIS project every time. It incorporates leading GNSS and wireless technology into a sleek and compact design.
Septentrio Altus NR3 Datasheet
Altus NR3 C Full-Const
Altus NR3 Network Rover and Base full-constellation GNSS receiver for applications requiring centimetre position accuracy.
Includes SBAS, DGNSS Rover, RTK Rover, RTK corrections output (Base), GPS (L1, L2, L5), GLO (L1, L2, L3), GAL (E1, E5, Altboc), BDS (B1, B2), Raw Data output, GSM/GPRS, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, up to 20Hz output rate, fully configurable via web interface.
GNSS Base and Rover:

The GNSS+ toolkit
Septentrio’s suite of algorithms to convert bad measurements into good positioning
Mechanical vibrations or shocks caused by rough terrain can wreak havoc with satellite tracking. Lock+ automatically adjusts the tracking loop parameters of the Altus NR3 so you never lose position.
Activity in the ionosphere is a problem for GNSS signals, from loss of RTK fix to total loss of signal lock. Having honed our skills in the most iono-active areas on Earth, the result is IONO+: the most advanced protection against ionospheric disturbances to GNSS signals on any receiver.
Metal and large nearby structures can reflect GNSS signals and produce multipath. The APME+system disentangles direct and reflected signals enhancing both position and measurement quality. APME+ is bias free and, in line with Septentrio’s commitment to maximum configurability, can be disabled.
Key features
Robust, light and portable GNSS receiver
Quad-constellation, multi-frequency, all-in-view RTK positioning
AIM+ anti-jamming and monitoring system
Easy setup and one-touch logging
All-in-one base and rover operation
AIM+ anti-jamming and monitoring system
AIM+ offers built-in protection against intentional and unintentional jamming using a sophisticated system of sampling and mitigation mechanisms. The Altus NR3 can suppress the widest variety of interferers from simple continuous narrow-band signals to the more complex wide band and pulsed transmitters as well as lnmarsat and Iridium satellite transmissions.
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