Septentrio AsteRx-i S

Septentrio AsteRx-i S

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AsteRx-i  S OEM SAC

 Single antenna input, multi-constellation GNSS/INS navigator for applications requiring centimeter position accuracy with Ellipse 2 Micro sensor. Includes SBAS, DGNSS Rover, RTK rover, full attitude, GPS (L1, L2), GLO (L1, L2), 100Hz INS solution output rate.

AsteRx-i S OEM DAC

Dual antenna input, multi-constellation GNSS/INS navigator for applications requiring centimetre position accuracy with Ellipse 2 Micro sensor. Includes SBAS, DGNSS Rover, RTK rover, full attitude, GPS (L1, L2), GLO (L1, L2), 100Hz INS solution output rate.


AsteRx-i S processes high-quality data, from the dual antenna multi-frequency AsteRx GNSS receiver with IMU measurements to generate an accurate and reliable position and orientation.

Key features

  • Reliable and accurate IMU-enhanced GNSS positioning down to the cm level 

  • Full attitude - heading pitch and roll

  • Ultra lightweight, low power and compact

  • AIM+ interference monitoring and mitigation system

  • High-update rate, low-latency positioning and attitude

  • Robust calibration for wide temperature ranges

Designed for demanding requirements for size, weight and power consumption, the AsteRx-i S is ideal for applications such as inspection with UAV's, UAS photogrammetry, automation, robotics and logistics. 

Intuitive tools and web user interface

Unique low power consumption

Septentrio’s core HW technology allow the AsteRx-i S to be the leader in the market for power consumption. Consuming typically 1.5 W and having a unique total weight of 38 g (IMU + GNSS receiver), the AsteRx-i is ideal for UAVs where space and payload are at a premium.

The GNSS+ toolkit - converting bad environments into good positioning and orientation

Septentrio’s quad-constellation, multi-frequency, accurate and reliable RTK is further enhanced by a powerful GNSS/INS integration. Benefiting from Septentrio’s GNSS+ toolkit for best performance and of the dual antenna GNSS heading initialisation, the AsteRx-i S provides reliable 3D attitude and positioning for the POI (point of interest).

AIM+ anti-jamming and RF spectrum monitoring system

AIM+, advanced interference monitoring and mitigation, offers built-in protection against intentional and unintentional jamming and spoofing using a sophisticated system of sampling and mitigation mechanisms. The AsteRx-i S can suppress the widest variety of interferers from simple continuous narrow-band signals to the more complex wide band and pulsed transmitters as well as lnmarsat and Iridium satellite transmissions.


The AsteRx-i S allows flexibility of the IMU placement separate from the GNSS receiver allowing you to optimize space for tight integrations. The versatility of design and range of connection interfaces extend the AsteRx-i S applicability to automation, robotics and logistics. 


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