Carlson Precision 3D Topo
Regular price $3,080.00Designed for use by surveyors, civil engineers, and contractors, Precision 3D Topo allows users to import survey data, points, polylines, surfaces, point clouds, both traditional LIDAR and aerial drone survey data, and more from a wide variety of programs and entities to create usable 3D surfaces.
Bridge the gap between drones and CAD
Carlson CADnet supports AutoCAD® and comes with IntelliCAD® built-in. This is in addition to working on legacy AutoCAD versions
Importing Point Cloud data from Lidar and Aerial Drone mapping
Merge and edit point clouds to create surface models
Import survey data to further refine surface models.
Powerful surface Editing tools to perfect surface models. Including Google Maps photographic background, automated Google surface creation
Easy surface volume tools directly from point clouds or surfaces.
Advanced Texturing and Presentation Tools Import / Export all data as LandXML, DXF, and Surface Models as TIN, TN3, and TTM.Import Point Cloud data from Lidar and Aerial Drone mapping.
Import Point Cloud data from Lidar and Aerial Drone mapping.
• Import up to 50 point cloud files at once
• Bare earth classification filter .las, .laz, .ply, .xyz, .pts, .e57, .pcd files
• Remove outliers
• Apply thinning factor
• Automatically merge clouds.
Powerful Point Cloud Editing Tools
• Point Cloud point selector tool for crop, delete, with
the ability to create a totally new cloud from a the
• Save point cloud to LAS/LAZ version 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 including coordinate projection WKT.
• Merge multiple point clouds together.
• Crop point cloud to smaller area.
• Delete point cloud points.
• Crop/delete points using polygons.
• Remove trees, vegetation, cars, building using bareground filter.
• Apply all filters within polygon boundaries.
• Reduce points using voxel grid, outlier and shadow points filters.
• Unlimited Undo/Redo support
Powerful Surface Editing Tools
• Create Surface TIN models from edited point clouds.
• Import Survey data as points, polylines, and 3D breaklines.
• Create or Add Points, Polylines, or 3D breaklines to surfaces.
• Quickly import surface models and images from Google maps.
• Import proposed design surfaces and merge to existing surface models.
• Rich surface editing tool box.
• Export surfaces to LandXML, DXF, TIN, TN3, and TTN
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