Septentrio AsteRx-m2
High-performance, ultra-low power and smaller than a credit card RTK receiver. It is ideal for integration in UAS, mobile platforms and the most demanding industrial applications. The AsteRx-m2 sets the standard for reliability and power consumption.
Feature Rich
Best-in-class reliable and scalable position accuracy
AIM+ unique interference monitoring and mitigation system
Industry-leading ultra-low power consumption
All-in-view satellite tracking: multi-constellation, multi-frequency
Easy to integrate
Interference robustness
The AsteRx-m2 features AIM+, the most advanced on-board interference mitigation technology on the market. It can suppress the widest variety of interferers, from simple continuous narrowband signals to the most complex wideband and pulsed jammers. The RF spectrum can be viewed in real-time in both time and frequency domains .
Ultra-low power design
The AsteRx-m2 provides RTK positioning at the lowest power consumption of any comparable device on the market.
Easy to integrate
The AsteRx-m2 comes with fully-documented interfaces, commands and data messages. The included RxTools software allows receiver configuration, monitoring as well as data logging and analysis.
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